User Service Agreement and Privacy Policy

This Agreement establishes the rights and obligations between you and SPON Communications Co., Ltd. ("SPON") regarding the download, installation, and use of the "Skylark PA" software ("this software" or "Skylark").

Before registration, it is essential to carefully read and fully understand the terms of this Agreement. If you have any objections, you can choose not to enter Skylark. Once you confirm this User Registration Agreement, it will have legal effect between you and Skylark, signifying that you fully agree to and accept all the terms of the agreement. Please read and choose to accept or not accept the agreement carefully (minors should read it under the accompaniment of their legal guardians).

  1. User Service :
    1. Upon completing all registration steps as prompted on the page, users become Skylark users. Users must safeguard their account and password, using them accurately and securely. Skylark provides personalized information services based on user settings.

    2. Users fully understand and agree that they are responsible for their registered account's actions, including imported, uploaded, or transmitted content and any consequences arising from it. Skylark is not liable for losses resulting from user actions.

    3. Users are responsible for the authenticity, legality, and validity of information transmitted on Skylark. Any legal liability related to user-disseminated information lies solely with the user, and it does not represent SPON's views or policies.

    4. Skylark reserves the right to suspend or terminate a user's platform services if the user provides false, inaccurate, or illegal personal information or posts content that violates this agreement or legal regulations. If users have objections to Skylark's suspension, termination, or account retrieval, they can provide feedback to SPON, requesting continued service. SPON will review and provide timely feedback on such complaints and opinions. If the information is indeed false, inaccurate, or illegal, SPON may request users to provide compliant information.

    5. To prevent user terminal data loss and better serve users, Yunque offers data backup services to registered users. With user authorization, Yunque will upload data stored in Yunque's database on the user's terminal to Alibaba Cloud servers and provide recovery to the terminal device.

    6. User Account Deletion: Skylark PA - My - User Info - Account - Account Deletion. After the account is deleted, it cannot be used again. Please proceed with caution.

    7. Users must not use Skylark services to produce, upload, copy, publish, distribute, or re-post the following content:

      1. Opposing the basic principles of the constitution.

      2. Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, or undermining national unity.

      3. Harming national honor and interests.

      4. Inciting ethnic hatred or discrimination, damaging ethnic solidarity.

      5. Disrupting religious policies, propagating cults and feudal superstitions.

      6. Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, or undermining social stability.

      7. Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or instigating crime.

      8. Insulting or defaming others, infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others.

      9. Other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

    8. Users are prohibited from deliberately promoting other competitive platforms through text, voice, images, or any other form, as well as promoting non-Skylark contact information in the same manner.

    9. Certain Skylark functions may generate information fees, and specific fee standards are subject to those published by the user's telecommunications operator. Users are responsible for such fees.

    10. Skylark’s services may contain advertisements, and users agree to see advertisements from Skylark and third-party suppliers and partners during usage. Any disputes between users and third-party providers regarding services or products are to be resolved directly between the parties, and Skylark assumes no responsibility.

    11. Skylark reserves the right to change, suspend, restrict, terminate, or withdraw all or part of the services provided on its servers at any time without any notice due to business development needs.

    12. Real-time broadcasting consumes communication device power, reducing device usage time. Users should be prepared for charging during broadcasting to avoid affecting usage.

  2. Privacy Policy:
  3. SPON respects and protects the personal privacy rights of all users of our services. We highly value the protection of your privacy and personal information. This Privacy Policy helps you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, and how we protect it.

    We will collect and use your personal information in accordance with the "People's Republic of China Cyber Security Law," the "Information Security Technology Personal Information Security Specification," and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as the provisions of this Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, without your prior permission, Skylark will not disclose or provide this information to third parties.

    1. Scope of Collection and Use of Personal Information:

      1. Account Registration: When you register and log in to the Skylark APP, you will need to provide at least your account name and phone number and create a password. After successful registration, the above information you provide will be continuously authorized for us to use during your use of the Cloud Finch platform and services.

      2. When registering with your phone number, we may collect the following information:

        1. Device Information: In order to provide you with services on the device, we may associate your device information or phone number with your account and collect device attribute information (Android_ID, used to register as a unique ID), device status information, and device connection information.

      3. Additional Business Functions to Provide You with Skylark Products and/or Services:

        In order to provide you with better products and services, we may need to collect the following information. If you refuse to provide the following information, we may not be able to provide certain specific functions and services.

        1. Bluetooth and Location Permissions: GPS address and location information will be used to coordinate with Bluetooth search and set up broadcast terminals. When you use Skylark to start searching for devices, we will need you to enable Bluetooth and location permissions.

        2. Microphone Permission: This will be used for mobile intercom broadcasting in Skylark. We need you to enable microphone permissions to collect audio data.

        3. Internal Storage and Album Permissions: Users can use the APP to upload audio files and read album contents. When users voluntarily upload files or use albums to scan QR codes, we will access internal storage permissions to obtain information about file storage in user mobile and tablet devices.

        4. Camera Permission: The camera permission will be used for the scan function. When you use Skylark to scan and add devices, we will need you to enable the camera permission.

        5. Background Operation Permission: The background operation permission will serve Cloud Skylark’s background running status.

      4. We may indirectly obtain your personal information from institutional settings:

        Indirectly obtaining your personal information from institutional settings: When you use Skylark, you have authorized this software to obtain your registration and public information. Such as the unit name, user authorization, terminal name, etc. when creating and modifying institutions.

      5. Other Purposes: When we use the information for purposes not specified in this Privacy Policy, we will seek your prior consent.

        According to the requirements of laws and regulations, we will not be able to meet your above requests in the following situations:

        1. Relevant to national security and national interests;

        2. Relevant to public safety, public interest;

        3. Relevant to major interests of you or third parties and may cause serious harm;

        4. Directly related to crimes, judicial procedures, government procedures, etc.;

        5. Your subjective malice or abuse of rights (such as your request that will endanger public safety and the legitimate rights and interests of others, or your request exceeds the scope of general technical means and business costs);

        6. Involving trade secrets;

    2. How We Protect Your Personal Information:

      To prevent the loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, leakage, transfer, and other damages of your information without your consent, Skylark will take all reasonable, reliable, and feasible measures and actions to ensure the security of your personal information.

      1. Security Measures:

        1. We will collect, use, store, and transmit user information in accordance with national security standards, laws and regulations, and inform you of the purpose and scope of using relevant information through user agreements and privacy policies. At the same time, we will encrypt personal information to ensure its confidentiality and security.

        2. Employees with access to information are required to sign a confidentiality agreement and receive regular training in security capabilities and awareness. Only authorized employees can access personal information, and if they violate the confidentiality agreement, they will be held liable under relevant laws.

        3. We strictly select partners, conduct background checks on them, and cooperate with well-known and reputable enterprises. We will sign confidentiality agreements with partners, stipulate breach of contract liabilities for disclosure, and only provide necessary and reasonable information.

        4. Establish a security team responsible for researching and applying security technologies and procedures to ensure the security of the Skylark platform and personal information. We will conduct background checks on the heads of the security team and information technology department, sign confidentiality agreements, stipulate legal responsibilities for leaks, and continue to train them in security capabilities and awareness.

        5. We have established a comprehensive information security management system and internal security incident handling mechanism.

      2. Retention Period:

        During your use of Cloud Finch products and services, we will continue to retain your personal information. If you modify personal information, we will save the modified information.

      3. Security Incident Notification:

        1. We have pre-established an Internet security incident warning plan to promptly handle security risks such as system vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks, and intrusions. In the event of a cybersecurity incident, we will immediately initiate emergency response procedures, take appropriate remedial measures, and report to relevant authorities as required.

        2. If a personal information security incident occurs, we will promptly notify you through the contact information you provided (including phone number and email). We will inform you about the progress and impact of the incident and collaborate with our security team, legal department, and technical department to take proactive and effective measures to mitigate the risk. Additionally, we will voluntarily report the details of the security incident to relevant government authorities in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and may resort to legal measures to resolve the situation.

      4. In case of any changes to this privacy policy, we will publish the updates in this policy and in appropriate locations to ensure you are informed about how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information, who can access this information, and under what circumstances we may disclose it.

    3. Your Rights to Manage Personal Information:

      We highly value your privacy and strive to protect your rights to access, correct, delete, and withdraw consent for your personal information, ensuring your privacy and security. Your rights include:

      1. Access and Correction of Personal Information:

        Except as required by law and regulations, you have the right to access and correct your personal information at any time. Specifically, you can access or modify your institution, password, and username through "Mine" section.

  4. Legal Responsibilities and Disclaimers:
    1. The Skylark platform shall not be held liable for any interruptions or suspensions of normal services due to factors such as maintenance, regular inspections, software and hardware updates, unexpected events, force majeure, computer viruses, or system failures. Every effort will be made to minimize the duration of such interruptions.

    2. Skylark shall not be responsible for any losses incurred by users due to communication line failures, technical issues, network, computer failures, system instability, or other force majeure factors caused by third parties such as telecommunication departments.

    3. Users shall be solely responsible for any third-party claims arising from their violation of this agreement or relevant service terms.

    4. The viewpoints and positions expressed by users on the Skylark platform do not represent the stance of SPON, and users shall be responsible for the content they publish.

    5. Customers are advised to take proper care of their personal information, provide sufficient security and backup for account information, and take appropriate preventive measures to reduce the risk of account theft or other malicious activities.

    6. As your privacy is of great importance to us, we will not provide your personal information to unrelated third parties without the relevant authorities' lawful request or as stipulated in other clauses of this policy. However, we do not assume responsibility for any consequences arising from third-party malicious infringements leading to information leakage.

  5. Intellectual Property Rights:
    1. The Skylark PA is developed by SPON Communications Co., Ltd. All intellectual property rights related to Skylark and the software, including but not limited to text descriptions and combinations, icons, decorations, images, charts, colors, interface design, layout, relevant data, additional programs, print materials, or electronic documents, are owned by SPON and are protected by copyright laws, international copyright treaties, and other intellectual property laws and regulations

    2. Without written authorization from SPON, users are not allowed to implement, utilize, transfer, or license any of the aforementioned intellectual property rights for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Any unauthorized behavior will result in SPON reserving the right to pursue relevant legal responsibilities.

  6. Modification and Interpretation Rights:
  7. Based on the Internet's development and changes in relevant laws, regulations, and normative documents, or for business development needs, SPON has the right to modify or change the terms of this agreement. Once the content of this agreement is updated, you can review the latest version of the agreement terms on the SPON official website or Skylark PA. The publication of such updates is considered as SPON notifying users of the modifications without further individual notification. By continuing to use Skylark's services after the agreement is modified, you are deemed to have accepted the updated terms.

  8. Notification:
  9. When registering as a Skylark user and accepting Skylark services, you must provide authentic and valid account information (your mobile phone number) to receive verification messages and notifications from the platform.

  10. Applicable Laws, Jurisdiction, and Others:
    1. SPON earnestly reminds users to pay attention to the clauses in this agreement that may exempt Skylark's responsibility and impose additional obligations on users. Please read and consider the risks carefully.

    2. The establishment, effectiveness, interpretation, revision, supplementation, termination, implementation, and dispute resolution of this agreement are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China; in the absence of relevant legal provisions, commercial practices or industry practices shall apply.

    3. Any disputes or controversies arising from this agreement or the use of Skylark PA shall be resolved amicably through negotiation. In the event that a settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, either party shall have the right to submit the dispute to the jurisdiction of the Yuelu District People's Court in Changsha City.

    4. If any provision of this agreement is deemed to be void, invalid, or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this agreement.